This function processes all RDS files in a specified directory, generating new hashes
for each file's args_list
and renaming the files accordingly. It's useful when changing
the hash generation algorithm or parameters (if the parameters are manually changed for some reason).
hash_includes_timestamp = FALSE,
ignore_na = TRUE,
alphabetical_order = TRUE,
algo = "xxhash64"
- folder
A string specifying the directory containing the RDS files to be rehashed.
- hash_includes_timestamp
Logical; if TRUE, includes timestamps in the hash generation.
- ignore_na
Logical; if TRUE, NA values are ignored during hash generation.
- alphabetical_order
Logical; if TRUE, parameters are sorted alphabetically before hash generation.
- algo
The (potentially new) hash algorithm to use (see
The function does not return a value but renames the RDS files in the specified directory based on new hashes.
## Setup
tmp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "example")
# Save example objects
obj1 <- rnorm(1000)
obj2 <- data.frame(
x = runif(100),
y = "something",
z = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 50)
obj3 <- list(obj1, obj2)
params1 <- list(
distribution = "normal",
other_params = list(param1 = TRUE, param2 = 1, param3 = NA)
params2 <- list(
distribution = "uniform",
other_params = list(param1 = FALSE, param2 = 2, param3 = "1", param4 = 4)
params3 <- list(
distribution = "composite",
other_params = list(param1 = TRUE, param2 = 3, param3 = 1)
save_objects(tmp_dir, obj1, params1)
save_objects(tmp_dir, obj2, params2)
save_objects(tmp_dir, obj3, params3)
## See current file names
#> [1] "181c74ea91113c0c.rds" "181c74ea91113c0c_parameters.rds"
#> [3] "3a21c1fc17d5f68a.rds" "3a21c1fc17d5f68a_parameters.rds"
#> [5] "5964241557faff5a.rds" "5964241557faff5a_parameters.rds"
## Rehash with new algo
rehash(tmp_dir, algo = "xxhash32")
#> Rehashed '181c74ea91113c0c' -> 'bbc60e3d' (algo = xxhash32).
#> Rehashed '3a21c1fc17d5f68a' -> '3ca27986' (algo = xxhash32).
#> Rehashed '5964241557faff5a' -> '1ca21498' (algo = xxhash32).
## Observe new file names
#> [1] "1ca21498.rds" "1ca21498_parameters.rds"
#> [3] "3ca27986.rds" "3ca27986_parameters.rds"
#> [5] "bbc60e3d.rds" "bbc60e3d_parameters.rds"
## Cleanup
unlink(tmp_dir, recursive = TRUE)